#91: Self Reflection Questions for Personal Growth in 2025

Today’s topic is around self reflection and questions that you can ask yourself for growth, for your own personal growth as you head into 2025. I wanted to give you these self reflection questions to sit with over these next couple of weeks, so that you can have something to ponder and get excited about. What's coming for you in 2025 based on some of these reflections, and also celebrate 2024, whatever happened for you, and really reflecting to celebrate how far you've come, where you are right now.  

Make a List of Your Accomplishments from the Year Before Asking Self Reflection Questions for Personal Growth 

When we look at traditional types of self reflection questions, a lot of things that come up are about what did you accomplish this year? What didn't you like about this year? It's, it's usually pretty tactical and pretty practical, which is great, and I encourage you to also look at those things. I made my own list of reflections from this past year.  

If you're someone that has trouble remembering things throughout the year, it's a great idea to write them down as you're going through them, so either daily or weekly or monthly, just jot down some of the things that happen that you're celebrating, because it can be hard to reflect and remember them at the end of the year.  

I have to be honest, I was not great about it all year, but I did do it the first half of the year in a pretty detailed way. When I went back to look, I realized I forgot about some of those things. Writing it down can be a really great way to keep it front and center for the for the end of the year, and for whenever you need a little pick me up and need a little celebration.  

  • Are you writing down your celebrations?  

  • Do you have a way that you can easily reflect on what happened this past year?  

I'll give you a small it's kind of an embarrassing example, but also a very big celebration in my life. When I looked back at my list, I saw that I had moderated a panel for the United Nations on entrepreneurship, and I honestly forgot that I did that, because it feels like it was so long ago, even though it was eight or nine months ago. It wasn't that long ago, but I feel like I lived a lifetime since then. I knew somewhere in the back of my head that happened and also I moved on from it.  

We can move on from our accomplishments so quickly. These reflections are another great reason why it's important to reflect so that you can really see all of the ways that you've grown and changed over the year. I had other things on my list too, some things small, some things big, and you really just see how they add up over time. You’re able to see how much you've changed in a year. Even if you feel like you haven't changed that much this year, that's okay. There's no judgment for where you are or where you wanted to be because you have this moment now and you have what's coming for you in the future. Reflect in whatever way feels good to you. If you've written down in the past, that's fantastic. If you haven't and you want to start now, that's also fantastic. I highly encourage it. And what we're going to look at, and again, I mentioned you can look more technically at, what did you do? What did you accomplish?  

Paying Attention to Your Energy While Asking Self Reflection Questions for Personal Growth 

What I'd like you to reflect on over these next few weeks is really around your energy. And how was your energy this year? Which types of activities did you find? Energy giving? Where did you feel really energized and rejuvenated and excited and really wanting to be all in on something, and then to the opposite, where did you feel energy drained? What were the things that dragged you down, and what were the things that you maybe procrastinated with or didn't want to do or didn't. Feel great about in some way, and it just felt like it was sucking the life out of you. We all, we all have both of those scenarios. 

If you can take a look and think about which, which things were energy giving to you, which things were energy draining. Really reflect on it. Really take time. And if you're not sure, even start to pay attention and notice now which things are energy giving and which things are energy draining. Because what you want to do moving into 2025 is add more of the energy giving things and remove more of the energy draining things.   

It sounds like very simple and easy when I say that. And yet it can be complicated. It can also feel complicated or hard when you're trying to do it, because a lot of the times, we do a lot of energy draining activities because we feel we should do it, or we have to do it, or there's an obligation, or there's a belief that you need to do something a certain way. And if human design has taught me anything? It's that you can break down any of the beliefs that you have. You choose your beliefs in any given moment.  

If there are things that you're doing because you feel you're doing out of obligation, some way, is there a way that you can remove some of that. Or if you really say there's not a way for me to remove it, maybe you would tell me, Mary, this is a health thing, a family thing. If you say, I really can't change this scenario, then I say, okay, in that scenario, how can you shift your perspective and find something about it that is energy giving what little seed or what little gem can you find that allows you to feel at peace with it or in A good place with it somehow, so that you're still lessening or removing some of those energy draining things, and so you're not carrying those energy draining beliefs around with you anymore. That's what this is all about.   

  • What were the things that were energy giving this past year?  

  • What were the things that were energy draining this past year?  

  • What are you most proud of from this year?  

  • How did it make you feel?  

  • You've changed as a person this year. What experiences have you had that supported your development and growth?  

All of these things can serve as reflections, depending on what feels most comfortable to you and how you want to go about it. But the thing that I would love for you to think about and sit with and feel into is, which areas are you going to shift your energy for 2025 because, honestly, we are all made up of energy. We are navigating energy in so many different ways, with ourselves and our own energy levels, with the relationships that we have and the dynamics that play out between people, with how we operate in our work. It's everything, and I think a lot of the times people really dismiss it. It's something that I've connected a lot more to this past year, and I have to say it's had a big impact.  

How do you want to show up next year?  

What are the things you want to be working towards or moving towards?  

What are those things that light you up, even if it's even if it's a hobby. 

You don't have to change your work. A lot of people think, oh, I need to find my purpose. I need to leave my corporate job. I need to start a side business, all this kind of stuff. And you can do that for sure. I did that, and I haven't looked back, even though it can be challenging at times, but it can really also be about, how are you expressing yourself? How are you connecting to your creativity? How are you connecting to those energizing pieces of you to fuel you for other areas of your life, so that can very much be hobbies or other things that you do in your own time, and as you build that up, it'll shift and change things in other parts of your life. I promise. It's crazy how it works, but it really does.   


This is what I wanted to share with you today, in terms of self reflection questions for your personal growth, so that when you get into 2025 you can really be connecting more to your bigger vision and your why and your goals and know that you've spent time appreciating and celebrating where you've been and how far you've come. A lot of the time we do not take the time to celebrate ourselves, it usually needs to be a conscious effort to be able to do it, because it's really easy to dismiss, it's really easy to focus on what needs to be fixed, what needs to be changed, what we're not doing right?   

It's something that I've been working on for a while now, and really trying to focus on the accomplishments, the celebrations, and keep moving with that energy, with that good energy, with that flow, that's going to help you move forward. 

When you're paying attention to the good energy and you're in the flow, you will create more flow. If you keep saying negative things or focusing on the things that are wrong, or focusing on what you didn't accomplish that you wanted to accomplish, you won't get to that flow state because your brain will keep you in the negative and in the lack and in what you don't have.  

A gentle reminder and an invitation to search for those places of flow so that you can keep that momentum going forward as best as you can. We're not always 100% of the time in flow, but being aware of it is half the battle, especially if you're just starting out with it.  

Thank you so much for listening to this episode again. If you're interested in human design readings, I'm here for you. If you have any other questions about your personal development and your growth in 2025 and where you want to be, please reach out. I'm happy to support you. It is really, truly my life's work and my mission to support as many people as possible with opening themselves up to who they truly are, unlocking that mind body connection and really seeing your life in a different way, truly seeing it and feeling it in your highest expression. I so appreciate you being here and listening to this episode again.  

I'm wishing you a beautiful holiday season, however you celebrate, and we'll be back in the new year. Thank you again, so much for your time, for your listening, for your support. This podcast would not be here without you, and I am, I am so deeply, truly grateful for you really. So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart and Happy New Year, I'll talk to you soon.  

Enjoyed These Self Reflection Questions for Personal Growth? Work with Mary in 2025 

If you’d like to connect further about unlocking the next step in your personal development journey, please feel free to reach out. I'm on LinkedIn and Instagram. I'm also on Voxer at @MaryClavieres. 

If you want support with your self reflection process and where you’re headed in 2025, you’re invited to check out my Human Design readings so that you can learn more about your own energy and how you operate. This tool is a powerful building block that will allow you to live life with less stress and more peace. From there, you can also learn about Voxer coaching, which is great for people that are on the go and want real time, customized support and guidance. It’s about meeting you where you are right now and what you're going through. You can message me on Voxer (@ maryclavieres) if you’d like to chat or if you have any questions.  

Thank you so much for being here. I so appreciate your time and your presence, spending it here with me, and I'll speak to you next week.  


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