#80: 3 Life Lessons from a Human Design Projector

Today I’m sharing three life lessons from a Human Design Projector. Learning that I am a Projector in Human Design has had a monumental impact on my life. Not because I hold everything about it as an absolute truth, but because it helped me to see and understand myself in ways I never had before. It has helped me to understand my energy better and supports me in navigating how I show up in my life and business. Whether or not you are a human design projector, I hope this information supports you and any human design projectors you may have in your life.  

Change from Within is here to help you uncover your unique path to living your most aligned life. Part of what I'd like to do more often on this page is share some personal experiences that I've had and the ways that they have helped me and supported me.  

My hope and intention with sharing my lessons as a projector in Human Design is that it may help and support you in some way too. Hearing some of these lessons might unlock something for you with whatever it is that you're going through.  

My intention around sharing examples from Human Design also relates to my profile as a 3/5 self projected projector. My life is all about trial and error, experimentation and learning by doing. There are a lot of lessons and there’s a lot of wisdom that comes from that. As I've embraced that more, I’ve been able to feel great about sharing it with you in case it helps you with any aspect of your life.  

A Little Bit About Human Design 

Human Design is a blueprint. It really shows you how your energy works, how you're meant to move through the world, and how you best make decisions based on who you truly are. What usually happens is that we get so conditioned by the world around us that we lose track of who we truly are. We get so concerned and hung up on what other people think and what other people want that we may question our gifts and allow in other noise that makes us lose our way. Over time, we bury ourselves. We lose our voice.  

 Human Design is a way back to you. A way back to finding your voice and finding out who you truly are. It is a tool that can help show that to you. There are a lot of assessments and charts out there these days. People usually take them at this face value - they don't question or explore on a deeper level. 

I do want to put a disclaimer out there with all of this, that I see Human Design as a tool. It is another tool in the toolkit. It is not to say ‘I am this and only this’. It's really about the self discovery process, and this is a tool that helps you and supports you with your self discovery process. It’s a tool I have found to be incredibly accurate for myself. With that, it's always a process. It's always a path of take what resonates, leave the rest because not everything is going to mean the same thing to you in equal value, so please just keep that in mind.  

Whether or not you're a Human Design Projector, today I’m specifically speaking about lessons from my experiences as a Human Design Projector. Whether or not you're a projector in Human Design, some of these things may still resonate across different types and profiles.  

If you're curious to know your type, you can visit Jovian Archive to get your free chart. You will need your exact birth time, date and location.  

Lesson 1 from a Human Design Projector:  Learning About Your Energy Flow

When I found human design, it unlocked so many things for me, and specifically around learning that I was a projector.   

For me, this human design journey has been part learning and studying, and then another part deconditioning. It’s a process of really peeling back the layers to uncover:  

  • Where is it that I am in my life right now?  

  • What is it that I'm looking at?  

  • Which old beliefs am I dismantling?  

  • How am I discovering more of my true self? 

The three lessons that I'm going to share with you here have really been life changing for me and they've helped me see things in a different way. 

As a reminder, it's a tool. All of the Human Design types, not only projectors, have incredible gifts to offer the world. It's really about stepping into more of who you truly are, your authentic self, and owning it. 

The first lesson, is about paying attention to your energy, listening to your body, and knowing your limits. That may sound like a lot of things, but they all go together. For me, it was learning about my energy flow as a projector.  

As a projector, my energy is meant to ebb and flow. I get periods of high energy and then periods of low energy, where I need rest. I actually need more rest than some of the other types. Now there's nothing right or wrong with any of this. Just because I might need more rest than someone doesn't mean that that's good or bad compared to the person that doesn't need rest. When you are growing up in a world where rest is not prioritized, you can really feel like an outsider and misunderstood. 

I do think things are changing now and people are understanding more about mental health and physical rest, but we really do still have a society and a culture of pushing through all the time (grinding, hustle culture, etc).  

Over time, this always had me feeling like I was lazy. I used to think that I was really lazy. I felt bad and embarrassed if I needed to take breaks or take naps. I'm someone that has always loved naps, so this was all even pre human design. I felt I often didn't always have the energy or the stamina to go all day on things, and I wondered why other people could and I couldn't.  

What I learned with human design is that this is part of my energy. I may have more potent periods where I can work more and have a higher output, and then other times where I need more rest. Even when I'm resting, I'm still taking in a lot of things. Resting doesn’t have to mean sleep. It can also be activities that are fulfilling to you. I personally love walks in nature. They relax me and inspire me. 

It’s really around understanding energy flow and that it's different for different people. Another part of it was learning to not overdo it. This can apply to everyone, not just projectors. If you know your limits it’s really about stopping before you overexert yourself. That can happen to anyone, and it can lead to burnout. So it’s important to pay attention to this for yourself. In my case, I used to go, go, go, and really not rest enough. I used to push myself and I was hard on myself if I didn’t keep ‘achieving’ in some way. That is definitely not the best path forward in life. 

My lesson has been in listening to all of this. It’s in understanding, accepting and appreciating my body and my mind for what they can do. It’s also in recognizing and respecting that they need time for rest and actually it doesn't matter if other people think that's weird. It doesn't matter if other people get it or not. Having a business now where I make my own schedule has been a big piece that is really supportive to this and supportive to the projector process. I'm not meant to be here to work a packed nine to five every day. So being able to make my schedule allows me more wiggle room. 

Really listening to your body is a big part of all of this. I already knew some of these things, but a big part of it was also feeling validated for what I felt deep down, and then allowing myself to accept that for myself and embrace it. That’s all part of the first lesson of being a Human Design Projector. 

Lesson 2 from a Human Design Projector: The Strategy to Wait for the Invitation (and Receive Recognition) 

The second lesson what is called the Strategy in Human Design. It's about how you move about the world. The strategy for projectors is to wait for the invitation and get recognition instead of giving unsolicited advice. The first part is around knowing your expertise, but not forcing that on other people.  

As projectors, we are full of wisdom and ideas to support others and we are here to guide. We are not meant to force that information on others as they might not be ready for it. Hence, waiting to be recognized and invited into the conversation. It’s not that I used to intentionally force my perspectives onto other people, but I would definitely share even if they weren’t ready to hear it. 

The strategy is about knowing that I have certain expertise and then allowing people to come to me when they need it. My strategy is not about going forward and initiating things and being on top of people. It's about showing up for myself, and then the people that are meant to come into my circles, and the people that want to work with me in different ways, will come and work with me because they recognize the value that I bring for them and want me to guide them.  

If I go around giving my unsolicited advice to people, it's just going to fall on deaf ears, and I will end up bitter afterwards. It becomes a whole cycle of not being in alignment with the way I’m meant to operate. As soon as I learned about this, I could pinpoint many examples in my life where this happened. Times where I didn't wait, I volunteered myself, and then people didn’t listen and I ended up bitter in some way. It connected a lot of dots, and put a lot of the puzzle pieces together for me, which I am very grateful for.  

It allowed me to see that I was over giving to people that didn’t want to hear it in the first place. I don't have a problem with over giving in general. I like to over give. I like to shower love on people and surprise and delight them, but I don't want to over give in a way that it's at my own expense and for people that weren't ready to hear the information and the wisdom that I have.  

The learning process was about embracing this strategy and saving my wisdom for the people that really want to hear it. I started to pay attention and look out for the people that would come and recognize me and invite me into their world.  When I enter into a relationship that's correct and aligned for me energetically everything will flow more easily. This notion of waiting and being invited in rather than offering unsolicited advice can be with anyone. It can be with friends and family, with work, etc.  

There is also a whole other piece about the Authority in Human Design, which is the decision making process. 

Just because I get recognized and invited in doesn't mean that it's the correct situation for me. I still have to decide if I want to enter into that relationship or that type of work. There are many different types of decision making styles in Human Design. I won’t list them all here, but know that after you wait for the invitation and get recognized, you still have to decide if it is a fit for you.  

Overall, it is about having the invitations and recognition instead of giving the unsolicited advice. It’s about understanding that flow and embracing it. That’s lesson two of being a Human Design Projector. 

Lesson 3 from a Human Design Projector: Embrace Who You Are and Your Ability to Guide 

Lesson three, embrace who you are, embrace your wisdom and your ability to guide. Projectors make up about 20% of the population. The largest part of the population is made up of generators and manifesting generators, which is about 75% of the population. These types have very consistent, all day energy. 

Projectors are here really to guide. They are here to notice what's going on around them, to share wisdom and to move the collective forward in some way. For me personally, I've had so much self doubt, overthinking and questioning my gifts in my life (which I’ve talked about on the podcast).  

I’ve been able to learn a lot from seeing the areas of my chart where I am open to a lot of conditioning (7 undefined and open centers for me personally). I’ve experimented with having more time to myself, paying attention to my energy and identifying what I really want for my life – not because others say to want it, but because I truly want it. I’ve also been able to see and recognize strengths that I have and how those also appear in my chart. As I continue to study human design and experiment with how it shows up in my own life it’s been really fun to see what unfolds. I feel clearer than I ever have with my own path and how I show up in my life.  

I've been able to see that it is more about embracing who I am, owning that and knowing that that's what I support other people with now too. I now know that it’s one of my superpowers. There is value in the wisdom, guidance and mentoring that I provide.  

As I learned over time to really embrace that and practice that, it has felt better and better, and has allowed me to put myself out there in different ways that feel better to me. I feel strong and that I’m in right relationship with the work that I’m doing. It took a while to get to this point 

There’s something in that even if you are not a human design projector, because at the end of the day, everyone needs to embrace who they are and own it. It might not look the same way for you if you aren’t a human design projector. It might not be guiding as much as responding to what lights you up or initiating new things. In my case, as a human design projector, it is guiding. It may be something else for you, and that's great.  

The invitation to reflect on is how can you embrace more of who you are and own it in a way that feels good to you? All of this ties in with the lesson of really trusting myself and my experiences, appreciating myself and being happy within. At the end of the day, all of this really does come from within.  

In Summary 

These are three different areas that I've learned from in human design. I am still learning, but these are some of the life lessons that have served me so well. When you really pay attention to it, it can help you (even a short amount of time!) because it can bring so much clarity in various ways.   

If you don't know anything about human design, or if you've just started learning about it and you're curious to know more, take a look at your chart. See which areas you feel called to learn more about. Then, experiment with it to see how things show up for you and how it works in your life. It’s one thing to study it, but it’s another to really test things out and live your life in a different way.  

 Human Design has served as an incredible tool that it I've been able to incorporate more into the process of becoming who more of who I am. It’s helping me to uncover my unique path to living my most aligned life. I wanted to share these lessons with you in case they also support you in some way.  

Whether or not you are a human design projector, I hope this episode supports you and any human design projectors you may have in your life.  

If you want support on your journey, I'd be honored to work with you. You’re invited to reach out anytime. I offer Human Design readings so that you can learn more about your own energy and how you operate. I also offer Voxer coaching, which is great for people that are on the go and want real time, customized support and guidance. It’s about meeting you where you are right now and what you're going through. You can message me on Voxer (@ maryclavieres) if you’d like to chat or if you have any questions.  




Human Design 101 with Kelly Joseph 

Parenting Yourself and Your Children Using Human Design 

#60: A 7-Step Framework for Living an Aligned Life 

#63: The Power of Your Mind (The Power Series) 

#64: What Is Your Body Telling You (The Power Series) 

#65: Are you connected to your highest self? (The Power Series) 

#66: How to Get the Results You Want in Your Life (The Power Series) 


#81: How to Stop Hiding from Yourself and Reclaim Your Power with Elizabeth Guilbeault


#79: You Are Where You Need to Be