#73: Growing Your Spiritual Gifts with Elizabeth Guilbeault

Learn how to develop your spiritual gifts by first recognizing what they are in this week’s conversation with Elizabeth Guilbeault, energy reader extraordinaire. Elizabeth is back on the podcast to share more about grounding, meditation and how you discover your unique gifts. 

Elizabeth and I also chat about how to grow your spiritual gifts. This has been something particularly interesting to me on my personal growth journey. There is a lot about rediscovering ourselves that is linked to our own personal gifts. 

I love Elizabeth’s energy and the wisdom she shares. I hope you enjoy this conversation!

Past Episodes with Elizabeth:

Episode 61: Intentions, Energy, and Showing Up When Life Feels Hard with Elizabeth Guilbeault

Episode 47: Energetic Alignment, Managing Anxiety and Parenting with Elizabeth Guilbeault

Episode 22: Easy Meditation Practices for Every Day Life with Elizabeth Guilbeault

Find Elizabeth here:

Website: www.everydayenergywithelizabeth.com  

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-guilbeault-3b16942/  

Find Mary here:

Website: www.maryclavieres.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-clavieres-19917a7/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mary.clavieres

Looking for individualized support? Learn more about the summer special here. This includes a 90 minute strategy session and 3 months of Voxer coaching to support your unique journey and challenges.

How to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts with Elizabeth Guilbeault - Episode Transcript

Mary Clavieres  00:06

Hello, and welcome to change from within. I'm your host, Mary Clavieres. This podcast is here to help you uncover your unique path to living your most aligned life. I have another special treat for you today, because my dear friend, Elizabeth Guilbeau, is back on the podcast. And we are going to dive into all things related to growing your spiritual gifts, how you are more in tune with yourself. This is all it all comes from within, right? So how you become more in tune with yourself, and how that's reflected in your outer world and your reality. So oh my goodness, I'm so excited. So hello, Elizabeth, welcome to the show.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  00:52

Thank you. It's so nice to be here.


Mary Clavieres  00:54

Yay. So nice to have you back. So conversational again, nature because this is what we're doing quarterly now for anyone that hasn't caught up and all lists the previous episodes that we've done in the show notes for anyone that wants to get to know you better there. But our conversational topic for today is around growing your spiritual gifts. So yes, I will let you start. Where should we begin?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  01:21

Great question. One of the techniques I love to work with is grounding. And I know it's a buzzword, everyone heard it, get grounded, be grounded. Find your grounding. And I joke that it's such a great tool as you start your journey. And I have taught it so many times and use it over the last 20 years that I've been really consciously practicing meditation. And I say that on purpose. And we'll jump back to that the about consciously practicing over the last 20 years. I've joked when I've taught it that though, this is the first time I'm grounding. And people have said to me really well, I thought you've taught this. And I say yes, and it's a brand new experience every single time. So growing your spiritual practice, to me is a new experience every day. It's always changing. It can look totally different day to day. And it can be so much fun to explore.


Mary Clavieres  02:19

So much fun, I'm just going to be like, I have a feeling this is like last time, I'm just going to be nodding to everything. Even though our videos are off. And anyone listening can't see us. But it's so true. It's so true. Okay, but let's start first, then do you mind just explaining what grounding is just in case we have any listeners that aren't familiar already?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  02:38

Sure, to me, grounding is a practice of tuning and checking with the body connecting down to the earth, getting into your body. So whether that's a visual of imagining a line of energy, or sitting on the tree trunk and the roots, taking you down to the center of the Earth, whether it's digging in the garden for an hour, whether it's going for a walk and feeling the earth under your feet or walking on the beach. To me, grounding can look very different. And all those techniques can work to bring you in your body and be present. Grounding is really about being present. So however you get there. I'm an advocate of that. Yeah,


Mary Clavieres  03:22

thank you for sharing that. And this podcast goes so well with that, because it's all about finding what works for you. So it continues our theme in every single way. For me, I've definitely found and we might have talked about this before, but my walks in nature are definitely a connection point for me, I'm able to kind of turn off and just block everything else out. And I find that nature rejuvenates me in a way that yeah, that brings me more clarity to for whatever kind of problem I might be working through or anything like that.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  04:00

Yes, 100% I think anytime you can separate or take some space for yourself, separated out, have a moment. Walking, being in nature are really great ways to connect and recenter if you don't have that luxury if you live in the city, that's where the visual to me of have a grounding cord. Imagine yourself sitting on a tree trunk. Again, whatever image works for you can be a substitute if you can't find that time and space to take that walk go out in nature if you don't live in the woods,


Mary Clavieres  04:38

right? Yeah, that's a great point because I yeah, when I lived in New Jersey, I was not taking nature walks, although most of New Jersey is I mean, they don't call it the Garden State for no reason. But I was in the city. So I didn't have access the way I do now in France to my to my walking path every day. So I love that. So Here's the thing just to kind of let anyone listening know, you and I were talking about developing spiritual gifts. I personally have been on a journey of developing mine over the years, in a lot of different ways, sometimes intentionally, but I think also a lot, unintentionally. I feel like as we grow and evolve as people, we kind of go through this life path that we eventually maybe in like, mid to late 30s, and into our 40s start to become more aware of this other way to kind of go through life, right like this. Like, it's like another transition point and stuff. So you and I were talking about this, and you started mentioning a story of a place where you started on your journey, I'd love for you to share the story about the reading that you got, and how it ties to then where you are today, because I think a lot of people think, well, I will share for me, I won't assume for others, but I will show very honestly here that I always felt like, oh, this person has gifts, or that person has gifts. And I don't, right, because they might have had something that was really like, wow, they connect so clearly in this way. Or they listen to their guides, or they get visions or whatever it is right that they get. And I always kind of thought like, Oh, that's not for me. And that's not available to me. But what I'm realizing over the years is that that's absolutely not true for a myriad of reasons. So maybe we'll talk about those two. But I think your story is a little bit. Not quite that but similar in not having not having clarity around this piece and like expectations, and so on. So do you want to share?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  06:46

Sure. And yeah, so I mentioned at the beginning that I have been consciously practicing these tools, intuition, tuning into energy for 20 years now. I have hit the 20 year mark.


Mary Clavieres  07:02

Yay. Yeah, that's amazing.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  07:06

And it, it did take someone saying to me, you can do this too. Growing up, I would not have called when I was tuning into energy, I wouldn't have said I'm I'm getting messages or I'm feeling something. That's energy. I'm tuning into something that's not being said, or isn't tangible. Yet. It's it's real. That wasn't the conversation that I grew up in. That wasn't the conversation that we're being had. That wasn't what was validated. And so I do have, I'm going to share two stories of that story. One. Yeah, of course, when I was 1819 years old, I actually went to a family reunion. And second cousin was an astrologer. And I didn't know much about that. been curious about it. I think everyone find some level of curiosity was the trilogy at some point in their life. Yeah, I think maybe. And I had the chance to have a conversation with her. And of course, her name also happen to be Elizabeth, she went by Beth. And she said to me, you could do this too. You get this, you can do this. And I remember thinking, I don't know what she means. And also, that makes sense to me somehow. And then we left the reunion and life went on. I was in college. I went through college, and yet it's stuck with me as important information to have somehow without really knowing what she meant or what I was supposed to do with that. Yeah, I know what you mean. I know what you mean. Yes. And it was it was powerful, though, to have someone say to me, you have this or you can do this. So then I fast forwarded and I did land myself in Chicago for grad school, and I happen to to a place that was teaching meditation and clairvoyant techniques and skills. And I had a reading there. And the person doing the reading said to me, you do this, this is what you do. You are an energy worker. You end up doing workshops, you'd give readings. You teach. This is what this is what you do this. She laid out a picture of me teaching a workshop. And I left there, feeling very amused and happy and fun thinking. That's so funny. I'm never going to do this. I just wanted to know more about myself. I started the spiritual journey. I started meditation started taking classes and meditation started learning techniques for meditating. Selfishly, it was because I thought, if I could sit down and meditate and get my answers, see my own information, have clarity for myself, what can be better, who doesn't want to be able to sit and look at their issues, look at their challenges and figure it out and see for themselves their next steps. That was my whole purpose. It didn't occur to me ever, in when I started this journey that I might be helpful to someone else, I might be able to obtain some clarity for someone else that this could be helpful for others that cross paths with me. So I left laughing at this picture thinking. That's hilarious. And then about maybe three, four years later, I moved. We moved to Massachusetts from Chicago. And I started doing readings and someone said to me, can you teach me this? And sure enough, that started the journey. And that really launched everything for me when I started teaching and doing workshops and holding classes, recording things, etc. And I laughed so hard when I had that remembrance of that reading, thinking, Maryam, getting this reading, thinking, that's such a lovely picture. And that's not me. And then sure enough, here it is. And this is sometimes we need to hear something, and it may not meet be in the present moment. And yet hearing it can help us evolve to that or create the space for that.


Mary Clavieres  11:33

Yeah, it's so true, sometimes. Yeah, other people can see things for us that we can't see for ourselves. Right? It's like, to help us realize that other track, even though, you know, there's everything about it's your choice, what you do and don't do, right, but to kind of open those pathways or unlock those gates, that maybe get you pointed in a certain direction, and see possibility. So interesting.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  12:05

So interesting. And it's been really fun, as I've worked with people to have, the same thing happened to them. And they'll contact me months later, years later, sometimes and say, when you said that, I thought, whatever. And then this is what happened. And I don't to me spiritual gifts, developing your spiritual gifts is not so much about predicting the future, or being able to intuit or see everything that's happening. And yet, as you develop your spirituality, your spiritual gifts, as you tune in more and more to the messages that are around us, you do sometimes happen on these nuggets, these little pieces of information that do come true or do come to pass or, or help you navigate what unfolds.


Mary Clavieres  12:59

It's so true. That's, that's how I feel like it's been happening. For me, it's, the more that I connect within myself, I get more in tune with the world around me. And then I just start to see things in such a different way, when you're really connected. And I think just so many people on the planet are very disconnected. So that's probably also why we're like, maybe it feels like you're in the minority. If you're thinking this way, you're kind of moving in this direction. But when you really connect from within yourself, and you trust, that connection of you, between you and the universe, whatever you want to call it, but that inner connection to yourself, and really, like you said earlier being grounded in it. Geez, it's just, it's, it's a totally different way to do life.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  13:54

It's a totally different way to do life. I don't know if there's any other way to say it. It's, it's such a game changer.


Mary Clavieres  14:01

Yeah, yeah, it really is. I'm, I'm becoming more and more aware, I'm doing a lot of how will I say like observing, observing the sequencing of things and timing of things. We started to talk about this before we started to record them, we ended up having to record because it was like we're going to talk about everything, also that we want to talk about on the episode. But I was saying that I'm starting to observe the sequencing of things in a different way and kind of look at the order and timing and recognize and understand. It's not about putting pressure on ourselves. It's not about trying to force oh, I want this to happen or I have to go there I have to get this like this or like that. It's really about setting your intentions of what you want to do. And watching the worlds create a path around you to do that. And wow, I feel very strange. even saying that because I'm, again, like I'm a little bit, I would say early in certain parts of this process that I don't even really, I don't have practice explaining it or anything, but that's just something that's coming up for me is kind of looking around and watching that, wow, you can really, you can watch things unfold in a very different way. And, and for someone like me that has always had a very technical background and went to engineering school, I don't think it gets much more technical than that and had this whole big portion of my life that was really, I would say, pretty rigid, in a way, not not in a bad way, but just very, I was very in tune and very aligned with structure and process and technical things. And now it's like my whole world is opening up to, there's actually still structure and process in a way, but it's more of like watching the dance. And it's, it's more like an orchestra. And you're seeing all these different things happening around you. And it's like, wow, this and that, and this and that. And it's and you can see how things unfold. I really hope all that made sense. I just kind of


Mary Clavieres  16:18

I let myself express it.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  16:20

Yes definitely makes sense to me. And I grew up in a very similar, I would say structured setting as almost as you described, where there wasn't a lot of conversation given to energy. And when I say energy, I mean, the unspoken, the intuitive. She says the spiritual. And yet I think there can be such a nice balance. To me, it doesn't have to be this or that can be both. Yes. And my favorite phrases? Yes. And, yeah. Yeah. And finding that for yourself is, to me part of the journey, part of the process of developing your own spirituality, developing your spiritual practices developing, what that looks like to you, is finding what balance looks like for you in those spaces. Exactly.


Mary Clavieres  17:19

Exactly. Just continuing to let it unfold, however it wants to unfold.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  17:27

Which is can be challenging. Yeah. So challenging. Allow, and also such such a healing, when we could practice that.


Mary Clavieres  17:36

Yes and in my case, the mind always wants to control I think this happens for a lot of people. So that's why I'll speak to it here too. For me, I found that the mind always wants to try to control things and be in the driver's seat, right. But actually, you want your body and your being to be in control, and you want your mind to be a passenger, in a way, and not letting your mind overthink things and dwell on things and create extra pressure, and extra work by having fear and worry and all that kind of stuff. And it's such a huge surrendering. It's it's a process of surrender. And it's also really, really, really leaning into trust. And, for me, I found and this goes with everything that you teach as well. I found that it's, it's a daily practice, and it's showing up and saying, okay, am I am I leaning into trust? Or am I allowing myself to overthink or over analyze, and then just resetting each time, it's not bad. If it happens, of course, it's going to happen sometimes. But it's resetting in that moment, and trying again in the next moment. So that over time, it becomes more natural. It's like, it's like, building muscle, right? The practice. And I think that's the same thing with the spiritual gifts. It's like, you're, you're building your muscle by practicing these different things by practicing to notice, you know, what's happening around you or saying, Oh, I was thinking about this person. And then they reached out to me the next day, or even even for us with this podcast episode. I had been kind of thinking about it for a couple of weeks waiting for some, some of my work things to fall into place. And then I ended up texting you and then you had an open spot in pretty short notice. Otherwise, we could have waited till the end of the month, it would have been fine. But I kept telling myself, Oh, I really want to have Elizabeth on the podcast and I want to release it, you know, in this timeframe, and then look it like weirdly or not depending how you look at it, it opened up. So examples of that of kind of like observing and playing with it and seeing where things take you.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  19:45

Yes, and a willingness to see it and willingness to say I thought about this and then happened to willingness to validate the energy of it. Yeah, true that the into Isn't the message that you honored received? And it's not always about doing something, I think we're, we're so conditioned to do, what do you do? Yes. What are you doing all the time, put it into action, put it into action. And there definitely is a balance to that. Yeah, I'm a firm believer in that, and finding that balance, you can't sit in the chair and meditate all day long. At some point, your body needs some hydration. At some point, you have to give it some food or nourishment. And also, using that time to meditate, see it, create the space to receive, and then allow the time and place for the information to unfold. And as you mentioned, that, that can be that that word control is something that is a tough one to be at peace with.


Mary Clavieres  21:02

It's a tough habit to break, when most of society operates a certain way. And you kind of grow up and, and like on social media and everywhere, there's a lot of hustle and be more productive. And you only have this much time and all those kinds of things that then become beliefs that you kind of you keep somewhere inside of you. And trying to break those down is not not easy, but completely worth it. Because you can really see things in such a different way. And it can still work out so beautifully.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  21:39

So beautifully. And I think I'm hopeful that the younger generation are shifting that mindset, their relationship with time is very different. From what I've noticed, seeing observed and that linear approach that I think has guided so much of my life, for example, is shifting. Yep.


Mary Clavieres  22:09

Yeah, that's so true. Even just did did we talk about human design last time? Or one of the times? I don't know.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  22:18

We’ve mentioned that? I don't think on this. But we've had a I think we've talked about it a little bit separately.


Mary Clavieres  22:25

Something I'm trying out with human design is just trying to learn more about both of my girls and try to support them with who they really are. Right. So human design talks all about energy. And it's kind of like a blueprint of, of who we came here to be in a way. And I'm trying to show them or guide them based on who they really are truly versus, versus guiding them based on who I want them to be or how I was conditioned growing up and saying, Oh, you have to do this, or you have to do that. And it's it's a completely different way to but I also, I'm hopeful that more of the younger generations are also they're just much more open to this and willing to challenge old beliefs.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  23:20

I think they definitely are. At least my younger people in my world are. Yeah, constantly challenging things and noticing and highlighting and pointing out and I feel so appreciative of that, that they are paying attention and speaking up and questioning. And it's so fascinating. As we talk about growing your spiritual gifts and tuning into your spiritual gifts. It's so fascinating to watch. To me, the younger people that I see, totally owning and accepting their gifts as natural parts of themselves that are, of course, I said something to my daughter the other day. And she said, I know. And it was thought that Oh great. You know that if someone had said something, I forget exactly what we were discussing. I was complimenting her on something and I had to had that same experience growing up, I think I would have responded. Surprise a little bit or think thanking them and she totally It was as if, obviously. Right. That's me and that's great. You are you have that awareness by yourself. I didn't have that awareness when I was 12. And so amazing. Good trio. You guys are teaching me so much. Yep.


Mary Clavieres  24:48

Yeah, that's fantastic. So let me ask you then, what do you think are some of the things if someone's kind of searching and and wondering, what are their spear She'll gaps, or how do they connect to them? Or how do they even figure out what they are? What would you tell them?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  25:07

I would say, give yourself a little bit of space, to think on it to reflect on it. Meditate on it, if you're a meditator why walking in the woods is your way of getting grounded things on it when you're walking in the woods, and start giving yourself permission to broaden your definition of gifts. One of my kids, I don't remember which one read a book 10 plus years ago, when there were early readers, and the book was about, I don't remember the name of it or anything, forgive me for that. The essence of it was all a group of friends, they all had a fairy assigned to them, that would, based on something that they already naturally had a stereo was batched to them, to help enhance it, to help them develop it. And one of the characters in the book, her skill, her gift, was parking, finding a parking spot. And the book was very quick, cute and clever. She didn't love this gift. Because if people were going to the mall, they would ask her to go with them, because she would line up a really great parking spot for them. And she didn't feel like this was really a great gift, because she didn't want to be the one that could just find the parking spot. And her fairy was there to help her grow this gift and see what it could do. And I bring that up because it was, I thought it was such a clever book to highlight all these different gifts that we all have, that we sometimes don't appreciate as gifts. So maybe parking is your gift. Recognize it, own it, let yourself explore what is really my gift. A spiritual gift doesn't have to mean that you can sit and meditate for three hours. Or that you can see information for other people or that you have clarity around what you should be doing in your career or what others should do in their career, a spiritual gift, the gifts that you have, what you offer the world can be your a great parking spot finder, that you may create salads that you bring a smile to people's faces whenever you see them.


Mary Clavieres  27:24

Oh my goodness, I What a great book.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  27:29

It was very clever book. I don't remember how the outcome. And also, I just got a kick out of it because they took something like parking and turned it into a gift.


Mary Clavieres  27:40

Yeah, you said parking. And I thought right away of my mom. Because she's it she gets a parking spot right in front every single time. It's a running joke in our family. Like she's she's always the one that gets a spot no matter what. It's just, it's there for her every single time. So it's really funny. There you go. And it's true, I think a lot of the times, and it's, it's, maybe it's more common to that the gift that you have is not the one you want, or it doesn't seem as interesting or as glamorous as someone else's. I mean, maybe that's not for everybody. But that has been the case for me sometimes. And so there's a resistance to it. But if you kind of if you let go of that resistance and embrace it, like you said, it really can shift so much within you that then other things can come to you to other opportunities or other experiences that maybe you didn't even know, or you weren't expecting, you know?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  28:40

Yes, absolutely. 100%. Yes. It's so so true. If you can own the gift that you have, not only can you see it and own it for yourself, then allows other people to see it and then other doors open up other conversations open up. It is just so transformative. What can happen. And we all have gifts. We tend to judge or decide things about ourselves but others. That's human nature, we have to decipher, we have to move through the world. It's a series of decisions, turn left, turn right, go straight, get up sleeping, right. We're always making decisions. If we can see the gifts interlaced and all of that. That, to me is where the magic is happening. That to me is where the spirituality is. To me it's less about sitting and meditating for two hours every day. That's a great practice. I am totally for that. And also, I think sometimes when it comes to developing spiritual gifts, people think well, I don't have time because I don't have two hours a day to devote to that. I don't have 30 minutes a day. I don't have five hours a week to just meditate or work on this earth. Do this. To me, it's not about that it's about in the moment to moment and everyday. And then in the little decisions, like you mentioned earlier about feeling anxious, feeling overwhelmed, being able to pull back, reset, and move forward. Seeing those opportunities in those incremental places in those moments, is to me where the magic is. That's where the gifts are. That's where you can really access your truth, your information, your spiritual gift and grow it.


Mary Clavieres  30:35

People severely underestimate the power of micro steps. And consistency. And especially together like, you don't have to be consistent with, like you said, the, you know, two hours of meditation a day, can you be consistent with one micro step a day? Because all of those build up over time. And I think it has so much more of an impact. And, and I mean, let's be real, if you, if you tell yourself, you need to do something for two hours a day, every day, you're going to drop off at some point. It's like New Year's resolutions. But if you take a micro step, and you get curious about it, and you allow yourself to, to keep going and then one day you miss it, and you say, Oh, interesting, why did I miss it, and then you reset the next day, and you keep going, it's so much more powerful? Because you're likely you're more likely to stick with it. And then it's more likely to have a bigger impact and make a bigger change for you.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  31:45

I feel like I keep saying the same thing. Yes, yes, I agree completely.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  31:55

And that that is to me, everything I'm about I know, you know, this, and I wrote a book about using meditation, intuition clairvoyance everyday in your life. And when I was working on the title and talking about it, my partner made a comment about the title. questioning why did I want to call it every day? Why was that so important that that was? And I said, because to me, it is about every day, each day, every single day, showing up? This is not a Oh, I did that once. I'm all set. Right? I ran a marathon one. So I'm in shape and a good runner for the rest of my life. That's not how it works, unfortunately, yeah, you ran out 26.2. Last year, a whole year went by if you show up at the same start line, you're probably going to struggle through because you haven't trained again, you it wasn't that that 26.2 didn't just carry over. Right? It's every day is every day showing up. Whatever that looks like for you every day, it may look very different. Right? I'm gonna use the marathon metaphor. If you're training for a marathon, every single day, you don't get up and run 26.2. Yeah, you might run five miles today, you might do yoga today, you might cross training today, you might go for a shorter run today, you might go for a walk today. Next week, you might go for a longer run, you might build up your miles, every single day is not the same. Race, the same run the same training day. Yeah, every day. And anybody that done a marathon will say it's about, as you mentioned, everyday showing up doing something being mindful of what you're growing towards. And that's how I feel about your spiritual growth. Tuning into your gift every day, making a point to say hello to it every day, making a point to notice. What is the opportunity here? What am I seeing? What am I noticing? What is the message I'm receiving? Every single day.


Mary Clavieres  34:07

I love that analogy. That's a really good one.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  34:10

It's so I call it job security.


Mary Clavieres  34:14

Well, I love the title of your book, too. I love the title. And I love the premise because it's just it's so true. It's so true. Like anything else, you know, we can't expect to just to just do it once. And then that's it. And this is an equals so much towards how I feel in general have. We're here to do life differently. And we're here to make it our own and to have it our own unique experience. And every single one of us is unique and different and we're here for different reasons. And so I just think, yeah, it all ties together with being willing to embrace your unique self and discovering what works for you. We just have a lot of Have conditioning and a lot of old beliefs and patterns and everything that we have to try to work through in order to get to that point where we believe in ourselves more where we allow ourselves to be our authentic selves, where we trust, and embrace our gifts, whatever they might look like, and that we follow our own joys and passions and everything. I don't know, maybe that's a little so boxy. But that's, I really believe that's, that's what we're here trying to do. And the more we can do that with practices every day, even if they're micro steps every single day, we just get closer and closer to what we really want to do or how we want to live. Or then we can enjoy ourselves in a different way that it's not so easy to see.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  35:51

Yes. And sharing that process, to me is so so powerful. If you can give yourself permission to share. Yeah, talk to other people share your experience. I think with social media, sometimes we see these highlights. And we don't always get to know the behind the scenes picture and tuning in to your spiritual gifts. It's not just, oh, I decided to look at this. And there it was. And now I haven't and I use it every day. It's a process. And tuning in every day, some days are better than others. Some days are meditations, great. Some days, it doesn't work at all some days. As I mentioned, I've been using these tools, working with meditation 20 plus years, I've crossed over the 20 year mark. And some days, I feel like, wow, I'm really working on I see it I'm tuning in, I'm grounded. And there are other days that I'm all my kids would be happy to share. How many days that it's like, maybe we should just restart tomorrow, let's just pretend this never happened. He didn't learn practice. Yes. Being vulnerable, being open, being willing to notice that and pay attention to that too. And and find that amusement with it. Being able to laugh about it is so so healing in and of itself as well.


Mary Clavieres  37:31

Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Thank you. Anything else on your mind any last thoughts or comments or anything you want to share before we close out?


Elizabeth Guilbeault  37:44

It's a practice, keep practicing. And be willing to acknowledge your gift, whatever it might be. There's so many gifts to have and share. We would love to hear about the gifts that you discover. Yes,


Mary Clavieres  38:01

that is fantastic. Let's I will add that and when I post to the episode, people can comment as well tell us on Instagram or Facebook or wherever you listen. On LinkedIn, you have LinkedIn too. We're connected on LinkedIn so people can even comment there if they want. But yeah, that's a great point. I'd love to hear also, what people are working through what gifts they discover for themselves. I know for me, it's been quite a process and quite a journey. So I'm excited to hear from others on on what theirs looks like too. And


Elizabeth Guilbeault  38:35

it's really great. If you sign that friend that does have that parking gift. And then, especially if you can find the friend that has a parking gift and the friend that finds everything that's on sale. Yes. And then you can travel together. It's really lovely. Yeah,


Mary Clavieres  38:50

and the one that always get the one that always gets the deals. It's


Elizabeth Guilbeault  38:54

exactly the one that that finds a sale. It's the exact thing they wanted. So you can park right in front. Go in and get the deal. That's a much easier


Mary Clavieres  39:05

Shopping day. I'll take that. Right.


Elizabeth Guilbeault  39:09

It's so fun.

Mary Clavieres  39:11

Oh my goodness. Yeah. Elizabeth, thank you so much for being on today. As always, I I love our conversations. It's just so much fun and so interesting, and I hope others find the same, the same joy that I get out of these conversations because it's talking about these topics about life and, and doing it a little differently. And I think it's really important for us to share. Ditto,

Elizabeth Guilbeault  39:36

I completely agree. Thank you for allowing me to be here to share this space with you. And I always enjoy talking with you as well. 

Mary Clavieres  39:44

Thank you. For anyone listening that would like to connect with Elizabeth. I'll put all her information in the show notes. You can find her there. Thank you so much for tuning in this week. I really appreciate you being here. And as always, if you liked this episode Please leave a rating or review. Feel free to share with your friends. It's also a great way for us to have support of the podcast and spread the word. So thank you so much for being here and talk to you next week.

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#74: Mid Year Check In on Your Intentions and Goals


#72: Radically Change Your Life with 7 Simple Habits