#21: 40 Lessons in 40 Years: Birthday Celebration

I’m celebrating a milestone birthday… Eek! Yay! #AllTheFeels

In this episode, I’m sharing 40 key lessons I’ve learned these last 40 years. It’s not an all inclusive list, but it’s a start! 

If you feel inclined to celebrate with me, please leave a review for this podcast. I greatly appreciate you being here!

“Be unapologetically you. That’s what people will love about you.”

Want support to get unstuck and be supported on your personal journey? I’m now offering strategy sessions. 

Visit www.maryclavieres.com/workwithme to learn more. 

Find Mary here:

Website: www.brieftransitions.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/brieftransitions

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-clavieres-19917a7/

Work with Mary: www.maryclavieres.com

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Hearing your stories & experiences, whether it’s how you got through a Transition in your life, or if you’re going through one right now, is really special to me and I’d love to hear from you. ❤️ You know the saying, a problem shared is a problem halved.


#22: Easy Meditation Practices for Every Day Life with Elizabeth Guilbeault


#20: Journey to Healing: Eczema and Allergies in Children with Dr. Melissa Raymond