#18: Adventurous Education: Worldschooling Tips and Strategies for Families with Stephanie Tolk

In this week’s episode I’m speaking with Stephanie Tolk, Founder of Deliberate Detour, about Worldschooling. A journey that includes traveling the world with your children while providing educational opportunities in a variety of forms. 

Stephanie shares her own experiences including her current travels, as I speak to her while she’s in Guatemala with her family. She provides amazing tips on the practical side of Worldschooling like finances, planning & pacing, and we also dive into the fun side of how to choose where to go! 

If you’ve ever wanted to broaden your horizons and are considering different ways to see the world or different ways to educate your children, then this episode is for you! 

“It is achievable for everybody, it just looks different from family to family.”

Stephanie Tolk is the Founder of Deliberate Detour, which helps families create a World schooling journey that’s right for them, by arranging all the moving parts into a life-changing plan for them to follow. They provide a detailed Worldschooling Course, and they are starting World Schooling Hubs around the World. Plus Stephanie has published a book called ‘World Schoolers: Innovative Parents Turning Countries Into Classrooms’ with other traveling families providing their insights & experiences first hand.

Find Stephanie Tolk here:

Website: https://deliberatedetour.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/deliberatedetour

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DeliberateDetour

Find Mary here:

Website: www.brieftransitions.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/brieftransitions

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-clavieres-19917a7/

Work with Mary: www.maryclavieres.com

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Hearing your stories & experiences, whether it’s how you got through a Transition in your life, or if you’re going through one right now, is really special to me and I’d love to hear from you. ❤️ You know the saying, a problem shared is a problem halved.


#19: The Struggle of Overthinking and How to Use It to Your Advantage


#17: How to Make a Career Change That Aligns with Your Purpose with Belma McCaffrey