Eliminate noise and overwhelm.

Gain clarity, make a plan, get focused, and take aligned action with individualized support.

Summer of Calm Focus and Momentum

A different way to move through life. Customized to fit your unique journey.

Summer is here…

Time is flying by and schedules are all over the place - maybe you have in laws visiting or summer camps and sleep overs to arrange. Not to mention taking much needed vacation time.

Yet, you still have projects and goals you want to accomplish.

Maybe you’re…

  • planning to launch a new program in the fall

  • wanting to create a lifestyle that actually includes rest

  • dreaming of changing jobs or starting a side business

The thing is, as much as you might want to… you can’t do it all.

If you try to do it all, you’ll end up scattered, frustrated and wondering where your time went – especially in the summer. It’s SO easy for time to slip away in the summer.

You have limited time to focus on your work.

Let’s make this time count.

What you don’t want to happen is to get distracted and work on the wrong things (hello shiny objects!) or have a ‘plan’ that means you cram all of your work into the last week of August.

You’re here because you’re tired of feeling scattered, overwhelmed and aimless.

You’re ready to feel ease and clarity while taking focused action.


  • You’re having trouble getting motivated and don’t know where to put your energy.

  • You have so many ideas and possible directions that it’s hard to choose where to focus.

  • You aren’t sure what makes your business unique and have trouble communicating this to the world.

  • You’re spending time on easier or ‘more fun’ tasks instead of what’s really going to move the needle for you.

  • You see others having ‘success’, but don’t feel it’s possible for you or don’t know how to get there.

  • You are dissatisfied with your work and looking for clarity on your purpose in the world.

Do you have big goals this summer, but you also want to enjoy your vacation time?

What if I told you your summer could look very different? That it is possible to work less and accomplish more - more of what will actually move the needle in your life and business.

What if you could have calm, focused time to achieve what you really want before summer is over?

It’s all about prioritizing, making a plan, taking focused action and holding yourself accountable.

That’s where I come in…

You’re invited to a…

Summer of Calm Focus and Momentum

Create a strategy, make a plan and take clear, focused action with 1:1 support.

Jumpstart with a 90 minute Ignite strategy session + 3 months of Voxer coaching

$199/mo if paid in full

$249/mo for 3 months

Contact Mary on Voxer (@MaryClavieres) to see if we’re a fit and we’ll get started.

Hi, I’m Mary, a Transformation Catalyst here to support you on your journey to discovering more of your unique self and using that to make the most out of your business and life.

My work includes a holistic view of the mind, body and spirit (soul, inner knowing, highest self… whatever you’d like to call it). When all of these three parts of you work in harmony, you become unstoppable in achieving what you want in your life.

I combine my technical background in engineering and systems with my unique understanding of energy and the mind-body connection to bring you the best of both worlds. I use systems and flow as complimentary forces to bring your life into balance. Together, we’ll create space for both creativity and structure in your life so that you can create more of what you want and remove what you don’t want.

All of this may sound simple, but it is layered and complex. There is a lot of depth to the process of transformation – the level of which you get to is based on your own choice.

I’m not here to ‘fix’ your life or business for you, but I am here to support you on your journey to make the road easier. I will share my brain, my experiences and the tools in my toolbox to guide you on your unique path.

All the details…

90 minute Ignite strategy session + 3 months of Voxer coaching

This unique setup is designed to first kickstart your vision and goals with a 90 minute session. In this session we’ll look at your unique blueprint either using the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® or Human Design to take a closer look at how you operate best. You’ll leave with a plan for the upcoming months of what you want to work on and which goals you want to accomplish.

Then, we’ll continue with 3 months of coaching via Voxer. The great thing about Voxer is that you’ll be able to ask questions and send me messages anytime. It works especially well in the summer months for busy schedules and lives that are on the go. I will provide 1:1 support back to you via Voxer 3 days a week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. This is a great way to stay in touch throughout the month to ask questions when you’re stuck or hit a block as well as celebrate wins when something great comes your way.

This format is designed to support you the most, while not requiring you to set up time and sit in front of Zoom during your summer schedule.

The goal is to create a strategy, make a plan and take clear, focused action throughout the summer to achieve your goals and I’ll be right here to guide and support you along the way.

Are you in? This is what’s next…

Message me on Voxer @maryclavieres or email me at mary@maryclavieres.com so we can chat about your unique situation.

If it feels like a fit for both of us, we’ll schedule your 90 minute session and get you onboarded for your coaching container.

I’m excited to get to know you!


  • Momentum Makers was a game changer. I was stuck in a cycle of having ideas I wanted to implement for my business but not really knowing where to begin. Being able to learn about different work processes and bounce ideas off of fellow entrepreneurs really helped me to narrow down my focus and come up with a few different products to expand my business. Being a business owner with small children doesn’t always afford much time to come up with new ideas, but after Momentum Makers, I am about to offer an additional service to my clients and launch an e-guide in order to gain more clientele. I am so grateful that I was able to join Mary and this group and I feel much more confident as to how I can increase income, manage time, and still be a primary parent in my household.

    Nicole Cannon, The Sleepy Mama

  • Momentum Makers really helped me take the stress out of running my own business. The casual yet effective approach to "managing it all" allowed me to accomplish tasks that were always overwhelming to me. Our weekly/biweekly calls gave support from Mary, our peers and time to work on projects that seemed impossible to get done. After each week, I felt I was moving in the right direction, and I could reach out to Mary or the other members if I needed more guidance. I also felt inspired by the progress my fellow members were making which helped me keep on track. Mary Clavieres’ approach of moving your business forward as a working mom is both thoughtful and very clear.

    Michelle Goitia, Founder of JC Bump and Baby

  • It's easy to get overwhelmed with #allthethings that come with being a solopreneur. Momentum Makers gave me strategies and tools to move from just getting by to having a more sustainable business. Mary Clavieres knows how to support women in business. She has a unique ability to listen, empathize, motivate, analyze, and offer practical insight into everyday business problems. My favorite part was going through this experience with other women. We shared our struggles and successes, and received both emotional and business support from the group. I highly recommend Momentum Makers!

    Mary Vidal, Founder of My Whole Core

  • I've been in a couple of networking groups, but I haven't even made the connections in those networking groups that I have with the women in your group. It’s because we have a collective goal of bettering ourselves.

    I was feeling like an island, that I was failing, and I was getting things wrong. I was really frustrated. When I joined the community and listened to these women that have successful businesses, I realized they also feel these same things. They talked about that same failure and confusion and lostness and I and then I thought, ‘Oh, wait, then this is just the game that I have to learn how to play’. I feel like I am aligned and it's happening.

    You've helped me a lot and I really appreciate that.

    Jordanna Spaulding, Founder of Compass Learning Advantage

Are you ready? This is your next step…

Send me a message on Voxer @maryclavieres or by email mary@maryclavieres.com and we’ll chat to see if we’re a fit.

Then, you'll be sent a payment link and we’ll schedule your 90 minute Ignite Strategy Session.

You’ll also receive email with additional details including next steps for taking the Herrmann Brain Dominance Assessment® or getting your Human Design profile.

I’d love to be part of your journey.

$199/mo if paid in full

$249/mo for 3 months

Contact Mary on Voxer (@MaryClavieres) or by email (mary@maryclavieres.com) to see if we’re a fit and we’ll get started.