#54: Parenting Yourself and Your Children Using Human Design

Have you used Human Design to learn more about yourself? How about for learning more about your children?

I’ve been on an exploration with Human Design over the past several years - using it to learn more about and experiment with my energy type and more. 

What I noticed is that you can also use Human Design as a tool to support your children. To help them learn how to manage their energy based on their energy type and make decisions based on their authority. Every child is unique and the more you can tap into who they truly are, you can support them in staying true to themselves and their highest alignment. 

Tune in to this week’s episode to learn more about how I’ve used Human Design to learn more about myself as well as my children, and how you can too!

Resources Mentioned:

Get your Free HD Chart: https://www.jovianarchive.com/Get_Your_Chart

Episodes Mentioned:

Human Design 101 with Kelly Joseph

Find Mary here:

Website: www.maryclavieres.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-clavieres-19917a7/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mary.clavieres

Chat with Mary: Book a Call

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#55: Who Did You Come Here To Be?


#53: How to Break Repeating Patterns in Your Life